
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Work Style

# Requirements Gathering – we give you a questionnaire to complete to ensure we tailor our web site optimisation services to your exact needs. [Included in Basics/Works packages]

# Keyword Research & Consultation – we undertake extensive keyword research using Keyword Discovery to determine what people are typing in to search engines to find products and services similar to yours. We also look at your competitor's site(s) to find search terms they are using.

Using specialist software, we analyze the resulting search keywords and phrases for performance and determine how many other sites are competing for high rankings with the same terms. We then provide you with a list of search terms especially tailored for your site, in order of potential ranking performance on the various engines. In consultation with you, we revise and streamline the list to come up with four or five priority search terms for each page being optimised. [Included in Basics/Works packages]

# META Tag Creation – this is where we
draft tailored Title and META tags for each page being optimised, utilizing prioritized search terms. [Included in Basics/Works packages]

# META Tag Performance Testing - The tags are then run through testing software to check for search engine effectiveness and ranking potential across a range of search engines. [Included in
Works package only]

# Site Compatibility Fixes – we put together all the tools needed to improve your site's compatibility with search engines, including tailored title and META tags, ALT IMG tags, code integration instructions and other recommendations based on the results of our Search Engine Compatibility Report. [Included in Basics/Works packages]

# Site Copywriting – one of the most crucial steps of any website optimisation for search engines, this is when we take a look at your existing site copy and with your input, our professional copywriter makes changes to ensure it is both search engine compatible and viewer friendly. This can include additions of keywords and phrases to your existing body text, or the drafting of entirely new body text for various pages, to ensure ranking relevancy and content satisfying to both search engine and viewer. [Included in Basics/Works packages]

# Integration & Upload of Changes – this is where we (or your site administrators if you prefer) integrate the new META tags, body text and other code alterations, then upload the revised page to your site via FTP. [Included in Basics/Works packages]

# Search Engine Submission – once we're notified integration is complete, we submit your site to search engines and directories (the top 20 worldwide, as well as other relevant regional search engines and directories), using our insider's knowledge of how search engines work. [Included in Basics/Works packages]

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